Hörneå bys hemsida www.becken.se
Greetings from Utah - Gördis Sjöstedt-Smith
We are happy to receive mails from outside Hörneå, and far away from overseas, from the United States of America. Our editorial office had an ambition to provide some information about Hörneå in English. So far, not a word of English, only Swedish. Unfortunately, the available time is limited and not enough to write all “necessary” reports. Of course, our readers may ask; how necessary can it be to write about all these beaten-up cars. We sincerely appreciate all incoming materials and interesting subjects to write about, and as time goes by, hopefully all of it will find its way to the Internet.
This short article was written in appreciation of the kind words sent to us by Gördis Sjöstedt-Smith Tooele, Utah, USA, Nov 18th. Gördis message is shown below, and opposite to this text, Gördis writes in Swedish. Nevertheless, the theme about “Swedish-Americans” was recently brought up by the Swedish television. The story on Becken-Webben from 2009 about Johan Grönqvist and his family described emigration from our small village to the United States, this happened about 100 years ago. Perhaps we should hang on to this theme, in line with the current TV production. It is presumed that many interesting links are to be found, between Hörneå and the US, and of course with other countries as well. The undersigned writer have worked and lived in both Pasadena (Los Angeles, California) and in Southampton of the “Great” Britain. Such stories become rather personal and not so interesting for the general reader. Gördis story is far more interesting, as it describes a mutual interest in Hörneå, from overseas.
”-Va' fantastiskt och vilken ära att bli igenkännade av Kungliga Biblioteket. STORASTE GRATULATIONER till er som jobbar så mycket för att göra denna site så innehållsrik och vid spridande i intresse områden. Det är inte alls en ENKEL LITEN site. Jag är alltid så imponerad av allt som ni har på sajten, och den är en fantastisk resurs för mig när jag gör forskning på bakgrunderna och livstiderna av min egen familj och min byfamilj. Ni har min största tacksamhet för allt arbete ni gör, och jag hoppas att jag kan en dag kunna få alla mina resurser organiserade så att jag kan dela med mig om jag har något som kan hjälpa till. Än igen, HIP HIP HURRA för becken webben.
Tusen tack, Gördis Sjöstedt-Smith Tooele, Utah, United States / Nov 18th, 2011”
Our previous announcement that the Swedish Royal Library recognized our tiny web-site was written in thankfulness. Becken-Webben remains extremely tiny in perspectives of the big library. Even so, the interaction between the tiny and the big is quite amazing, a phenomenon of the modern world.
Gunnar Engström, 2011–11–19